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"It's no no no and no"

Avenue Montaigne, Paris

an engaged message

For Fashion Week and under the creative direction of Dior, ATHEM designed the cladding of the prestigious fashion house’s historic boutique on avenue Montaigne. On the front of the building is displayed the phrase from the French feminist movement ”C’est non, non, non, et non” (It’s no, no, no, and no) in reference to the jumper worn by the brand’s star model, Ruth Bell, at the opening of the fashion show.

a metamorphosis of the Dior boutique

During the Fashion Week, ATHEM decorates the Dior boutique with a Lycra design that embraces the contours of the façade for a second-skin effect. A striking visual design that passers-by on the renowned avenue, the showcase of French haute couture, could hardly miss

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