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Hôtel de Coislin

Place de la Concorde, Paris

A palace steeped in history

The Hôtel de Coislin was built in 1770 by the architect Ange-Jacques Gabriel. And, it is only in 1923 that these facades were classified as historical monuments. As part of the restoration of this magnificent palace, ATHEM was mandated to exploit the advertising area present on the scaffolding. The royaltiesy resulting from the sale of advertising contributes to the financing of the restoration of the monument.

An outstanding visibility

The site offers exceptional exposure with its location on the famous Place de la Concorde, between the Crillon and the Hôtel de la Marine, considered as one of Paris’ unique crossroads. The first facade on Place de la Concorde, represents an area of ​​284m2, the second on the corner of Rue Royale 336m2, for a total of 620m2 of communication space in the heart of the capital.

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